Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ode to the San Diego Killer Whale

"Its spring in San Diego; Sea World's open, the crowds are not bad
They brought back that killer whale, you know, he's been in rehab
All the trainers are smiling and giving him nods
But not one will get by him and snuggle his bod
When he opens his mouth, he might take a nip
He'll push you under and thats your last trip

He's asked for forgiveness, apologized to his fans
Taken the first 3 steps in his program
Surrendered made amends
He's gotten a sponsor, makes calls for support
Makes 3 meetings a week thats what he reports

So back he comes to perform in the show
Who his next victim is we never will know
You see killer whales don't recover they usually relapse
Its gray whales that do well in fact learn to tap

Friday, April 16, 2010


Good Morning and welcome to my view. I'm Gail Crandall and I'm a retired nurse. I live in a tiny apartment somewhat isolated from the world. However, my mind is not inactive and I'd love to share ideas, thoughts and humor with you. I'll include the controversial and make comments on the TV I watch (maybe too much). My sense of humor is odd and yet I get a lot of good laughs from it. In this day and age when there is so much emphisis on living longer and yet we all know we die eventually, I am happy to say that I believe in eternal life. I am a Christian
and not ashamed that I follow Jesus Christ. You see its not "safe" anymore to say that - one is thought to be unbalanced or just needy. I admit as a human I am unbalanced and needy.
No shame, no shame.
See you later